The purpose for starting this freelancer journey for me, is to make positive leadership impact wider than just 1 company.
To offer my unique skillset to those who can see the value. 

Until I operate solo in my core activities, my measurement of success would be deep, long-term relationships with approximately 20 clients.

“Transparent Elevating and Lasting Leadership” tries to help transform and/or support organizations from both public and private sectors and leaders on their journeys from short-term and profit for shareholders type of structures to the ones who play for the long haul. 

Four main pillars to achieve this are

  1. Purpose and Just cause Work
  2. Culture work 
  3. Sustainability work
  4. Strategy and Execution work

Additional 3 operational supports to make such leadership work that I am most focused on are:

  1. Marketing work
  2. Sales work
  3. Innovation work

In addition to organizational level mentorship I also focus at core level on personal growth work with mentees

  1. Finding balance between self, home and work
  2. Out of the box sessions to cultivate creativity (Lego sessions, SPA sessions, walks in the forrest)
  3. Peace, Love and kindness work
  4. How to recover from burn-out
Advisory Board ChairWith main role to support board’s work and to assess org strategy and how futureproof company is
“Challenge Network”Being independent leader “in the pocket” of evolving organizations and developing leaders. Main target is to challenge and to advise but not do operational work.
Various Project workAll enquiries are welcome and will be evaluated with potential clients. These would be operational strategic goals with finite goals and timespan.
Leader Valuation serviceThis is a service where I will assess leaders style, competencies and propose development opportunitites. Aim of this is to offer clear development targets and for organizations to evaluate if their leaders profile matches well with the needs of the company. 3000€


Aim of different collaborations is to create a full service solution.
To work with best out there whose expertise remains out of mine and to work for common services where united missions and skills can further advance both sides clients interests and value provided.
All of those partners are going to be hand picked and the ones that I passionately believe in and not motivated by personal incomes.

Coming Soon…

In the lab …

Starting an advisory company gives wide opportunities to create the offering in hope to find match with the needs of market. What matters is building up services step by step. For ready-made solutions there needs to be thought through process and for experience based solutions understandable value that it creates for the clients.
With that said it is okay to already know what change you are trying to create and to throw out different head lines for goodies to come.

If potential client sees something in the following list and has interest then case-by-case project approach can be taken even before those services have been fully designed.

Leadership Transformation support
One offrandom meeting to discuss specific leadership challenge at hand500€
Anonymous frontline feedback interviews
Startup leadership advisorytoo often Startup finds success through investments without expertize in running an organization

Generational Transformation
when new generation takes over in Family companies
Management type to Leadership type of management transformations
Programmes on positive ownership
Personal layer affecting leadership

… Many others will follow.